Sunday, November 11, 2007




Zoisite crystallizes in the form of masses and striated prismatic crystals which are usually not terminated. The colour range includes colourless, white, pink( designated as thulite), colourless to blue or purple (designated as tanzanite), yellow, brown, green, and red.

This mineral can provide for decomposition of negativity and for transmutation of the negative energies to positive force fields. The positive fields containing more total energy then the totality of the energy contained in the negativity.

It can be used to dispel laziness and idleness.

It allows for direct connection, via the mental processes to the celestial latitudes (especially during the astrological cycles of Gemini, Taurus, and Aries). This can facilitate advancement in all areas of ones life.

It has been used in the treatment of disorders associated with the heart, spleen, pancreas and lungs.

Zoisite masses occasionally occur with ruby scattered throughout the structure. This combination of stones is also known as anyolite.

This Ziosite Ruby conglomerate is quite magical. In addition to the properties listed above and properties of the Ruby, the zoisite/ruby combination can create altered states of consciousness and can serve as a vehicle for reaching and utilizing talents and abilities of the mind. All of the psychic abilities can be stimulated and amplified by use of these consolidated energies. In addition, it provides for amplification of the entire energy field of the body. It has also been used by healers in the Asian countries for both diagnostic healing and communicating with the spirits.

The combination of zoisite and ruby increases the awareness of ones individuality while allowing one to maintain connectedness with humanity. It enhances contact with the etheric bodies and stimulates the crown chakra toward spirituality. It can also create altered states of consciousness and can serve as a vehicle for both reaching and utilizing the talents and abilities of the mind. All of the psychic abilities can be stimulated and amplified via the use of these consolidated energies. In addition, it provides for amplification of the entire energy field of the body. It has also been used by healers in the Asian countries for both diagnostic healing and communicating with the spirits. It acts to improve disorders of the heart and to help one to recover from those disorders associated with diminished physical vitality.

Vibrates to the number 4.



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