Blue tourmaline can be used to activate the throat chakra and the third eye, strenghtening the skill associated with communication and psychic awareness. It assists one in relation to others in a loving manner, bringing the true impressions to the surface. It further helps one to live in harmony with ones environment (eg, people, places, things,). The energy of blue tourmaline activates the progression towards service, allowing one to recognise the rewards of serving humanity in the areas of expansion of knowledge and in helping all to realise the power of love.
The very deep blue shade of tourmaline, which stimulates the third-eye, facilitates access to the higher levels of intuition. It acts as a vehicle for visions and for contact wiht the higher realms. Blue tourmaline can be used in the treatment of disorders of the lungs, throat, larynx, esophagus, thymus, and thyroid. Dark blue tourmaline can also be used in the treatment of disorders associated with the eyes and the brain. Neon blue has been used in diagnostic endeavors and in assisting in the recognition of casual factors. Vibrates to the number 6 and the master number 55. In addition, the neon blue tourmaline vibrates to the number 9.
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