The enhydro is a mineral which contains fluid. The fluid being that from which chalcedony, agate or quartz was deposited. The fluid can be eons in age and is most likely quite pure. In addition to the qualities of the host mineral, the following attributes apply.
This mineral can be used to help one to "put oneself in the shoes of another", and to both recognise and understand the true feelings of that person. Not being a stone to stimulate sympathy, it supports the empathetic state.
It provides for the coupling of imagination and practicality, inducing sensibliity in employment, relationships, and in the acceptance of responsibilities. It brings honour to ones associated circumstances.
It also contains a life-sustaining energy, initiating adaptability in situations which could, otherwise, become stressful.
The enhydro assists in metamorphosis and continued change throughout all times. It provides for concentrated determination of both the acceleration and the ease of reformation of the self. The concepts of impetus and catalytic motion are enhances.
In healing, it is useful to have an enhydro available. It assists in bringing the body to the state or specified condition that one is attempting to attain. It is rather a strength to help other minerals perform in the requisite manner. The enhydro can help to treat conditions related to the degraded integrity of tissues and/or organs.
Vibrates to the master number 44.
Sunday, November 11, 2007

crystallises in form of plates, needle-like and prismatic crystals(the prismatic crystals being sometimes longitudinally striated and terminated on one end), Granular masses, fibres and deeply striated masses. The colour range includes yellow, yellow-green, pistachio green, brown-green, greenpblack, grey and black. It also occurs in transparent reds and yellows.
This mineral can provide for increase in that to which one attunes it. This short but clear statement shows that epidote is truly a stone to experience in all aspects of one life.
It dispels criticalness, enhances keep perception, stimulates participation and interaction, and supplements personal power.
It is also useful to combat dehydration and can be used as an elixir for softening and smoothing skin. It can be used in the treatment of disorders associated with the nervous system, brain, and thyroid.
Vibrates to the number 2.
This mineral can provide for increase in that to which one attunes it. This short but clear statement shows that epidote is truly a stone to experience in all aspects of one life.
It dispels criticalness, enhances keep perception, stimulates participation and interaction, and supplements personal power.
It is also useful to combat dehydration and can be used as an elixir for softening and smoothing skin. It can be used in the treatment of disorders associated with the nervous system, brain, and thyroid.
Vibrates to the number 2.
is a combination of these three minerals and is often silicated, containing quartz.
In addition to the combination of properties listed for each of the individual minerals, this combination can help one to extend oneself to others, in the spirit of brotherhood and love. It provides for a demonstration of compassion and intelligence, promoting both philanthropic tendencies and attachment to right mindedness. On the other hadn, it provides stamina againts weariness from adulation.
This combination has been used in the tratment of proper healing for breaks and fractures. It has also been used to correct imbalances and RNA/DNA and in the metabolic rate.
Vibrates to the number 6.
is a combination of these three minerals and is often silicated, containing quartz.
In addition to the combination of properties listed for each of the individual minerals, this combination can help one to extend oneself to others, in the spirit of brotherhood and love. It provides for a demonstration of compassion and intelligence, promoting both philanthropic tendencies and attachment to right mindedness. On the other hadn, it provides stamina againts weariness from adulation.
This combination has been used in the tratment of proper healing for breaks and fractures. It has also been used to correct imbalances and RNA/DNA and in the metabolic rate.
Vibrates to the number 6.

ite minerals for oens collection because of its proclivity for reconstruction during the transformation process.
It gives comfort by calming anxiety associated with "disease", and allows the thoughts process to follow its course. This enable one to render The synthesis of azurite and malachite produces a mineral which exhibits the properties of each individual mineral as listed in the azurite and malachite.
In addition, the energy of the combination helps one to meditate by going deep within in order to be reborn into the light - the change being profound or minor, as necessary. It generally allows one to reach into the inner depths without fear, so that one is sustained, absolved, and is aware of the genesis of all time.
It bestows upon one the cleansing of the immutable forces and freshens one's outlook to be as the "wind in the willow". It produces a flow to actions and a willingness towards flexibility.
It assists in dissolving egocentric characteristics, dispelling conceit, arrogance, and vanit, while instilling individuality based upon the connection to the "all". The action of the stone in this regard does not conscious direction. It will work without consciousness of purpose.
It could be considered one of the requisemotionally charge thoughts ineffective, while facilitating the stablility of the intellect to produce rationality.
It can be used to enhance flexibility in motion and to treat disorders associated with the skin, bones, teeth, and circulatory system. It assists in the balancing of the secretory organs including the gall bladder, liver, etc. It can also be used in the prevention and treatment of ulcers, asthma, and other problems arising from stress
Vibrates to the number 1.

ite minerals for oens collection because of its proclivity for reconstruction during the transformation process.
It gives comfort by calming anxiety associated with "disease", and allows the thoughts process to follow its course. This enable one to render The synthesis of azurite and malachite produces a mineral which exhibits the properties of each individual mineral as listed in the azurite and malachite.
In addition, the energy of the combination helps one to meditate by going deep within in order to be reborn into the light - the change being profound or minor, as necessary. It generally allows one to reach into the inner depths without fear, so that one is sustained, absolved, and is aware of the genesis of all time.
It bestows upon one the cleansing of the immutable forces and freshens one's outlook to be as the "wind in the willow". It produces a flow to actions and a willingness towards flexibility.
It assists in dissolving egocentric characteristics, dispelling conceit, arrogance, and vanit, while instilling individuality based upon the connection to the "all". The action of the stone in this regard does not conscious direction. It will work without consciousness of purpose.
It could be considered one of the requisemotionally charge thoughts ineffective, while facilitating the stablility of the intellect to produce rationality.
It can be used to enhance flexibility in motion and to treat disorders associated with the skin, bones, teeth, and circulatory system. It assists in the balancing of the secretory organs including the gall bladder, liver, etc. It can also be used in the prevention and treatment of ulcers, asthma, and other problems arising from stress
Vibrates to the number 1.

Malachite crystallizes in the form of masses, tufts, rosettes, crusts, botryoidal configurations, compact fibrous layered structures, and rarely stalactites and needle-like crystals and prismatic crystals with wedge-shaped terminations. The colour ranges from light to dark green. Someof the formations also exhibit a druse of small malachite crystals on the surfaces.
It is a "stone of transformation", assisting one in changing situations and providing for the trnasfer of sacred information leading to spiritual evolution.
It assists in clearing and activating all chakras and is quite helpful in stimulating the heart and throuat chakras. It is an excellent stone for clarifying the emotions and for allowing for both the recognition and the release of negative experience which one cannot recall. In the re-birthing situation, it provides for ease of disposal of opposing encounters.
It can be used to facilitate insight concerning the cause of any specific condition, e.g providing insight to the basic disorders within the body, mind and spirit and to the conditions associated with interaction with others in this reality.
Malachite is an equalizing and balancing agent. It can creat an unobstructed path, leading to a desired goal. It also provides for an indication of the procedural steps required to attain a chosen end-result. It helps one to accept responsibility for ones actions, circumstances and actuality, bringing understanding and intuitive answer to the forefront prior to response and subsequent action.
It stimulates instinctive and intuitive reasoning, allowing for change which facilitates advanement. It also represents fidelity in love and friendship, loyalty in partnerships and practicality and responsibility in business transactions.
It has been used as a protective stone by those involved in the field of aviation and is said to dispel symptoms of and to stimulate awaress of, the inner bases for the condition of vertigo.
The malachite structures exhibiting druse are also especially energetic in facilitating both the rise of spirituality and the enhancement of psychic abilities.
The stalactitic form of malachite also encourages progression towards the spiral of infinite wisdom, while providing strength for the journey.
This mineral can help one to look deep withing the self and to acknowledge the reasons supporting an illness, further guiding and supoprting one in the release of the emothional causative factors. It is said to protect against radiation and can be used in the treatment of asthma, arthritis, swollen joints, tumors, growths, broken bones, and torn muscles. it can also be used to regulate the RNA/DNA structures to align and cleanse the cellular structure, to enhance the immunes system, and to ease the process of birth.
It is recommended that only the polished form of malachite be used for the preparation of an elixir via the normal method.
Vibrates to the number 9.

Malachite crystallizes in the form of masses, tufts, rosettes, crusts, botryoidal configurations, compact fibrous layered structures, and rarely stalactites and needle-like crystals and prismatic crystals with wedge-shaped terminations. The colour ranges from light to dark green. Someof the formations also exhibit a druse of small malachite crystals on the surfaces.
It is a "stone of transformation", assisting one in changing situations and providing for the trnasfer of sacred information leading to spiritual evolution.
It assists in clearing and activating all chakras and is quite helpful in stimulating the heart and throuat chakras. It is an excellent stone for clarifying the emotions and for allowing for both the recognition and the release of negative experience which one cannot recall. In the re-birthing situation, it provides for ease of disposal of opposing encounters.
It can be used to facilitate insight concerning the cause of any specific condition, e.g providing insight to the basic disorders within the body, mind and spirit and to the conditions associated with interaction with others in this reality.
Malachite is an equalizing and balancing agent. It can creat an unobstructed path, leading to a desired goal. It also provides for an indication of the procedural steps required to attain a chosen end-result. It helps one to accept responsibility for ones actions, circumstances and actuality, bringing understanding and intuitive answer to the forefront prior to response and subsequent action.
It stimulates instinctive and intuitive reasoning, allowing for change which facilitates advanement. It also represents fidelity in love and friendship, loyalty in partnerships and practicality and responsibility in business transactions.
It has been used as a protective stone by those involved in the field of aviation and is said to dispel symptoms of and to stimulate awaress of, the inner bases for the condition of vertigo.
The malachite structures exhibiting druse are also especially energetic in facilitating both the rise of spirituality and the enhancement of psychic abilities.
The stalactitic form of malachite also encourages progression towards the spiral of infinite wisdom, while providing strength for the journey.
This mineral can help one to look deep withing the self and to acknowledge the reasons supporting an illness, further guiding and supoprting one in the release of the emothional causative factors. It is said to protect against radiation and can be used in the treatment of asthma, arthritis, swollen joints, tumors, growths, broken bones, and torn muscles. it can also be used to regulate the RNA/DNA structures to align and cleanse the cellular structure, to enhance the immunes system, and to ease the process of birth.
It is recommended that only the polished form of malachite be used for the preparation of an elixir via the normal method.
Vibrates to the number 9.

crystallizes in the form of granular masses, fibrous shapes, and prismatic needle-like, and tabular crystals. The colour range includes white, colourless, greenish, yellow to brown, grey, pink, honey yellow, yellow, blue, red, red-brown, brown, and black.
Gypsum, in the form of crystals is known as selenite.
Gypsum, in the form of masses is known as alabaster.
Gypsum in the fibrous form is 'really' gypsum.
This mineral can be used to mold ones character towards both the ideals of growth and improvement. Stagnation is eliminated and progression is strengthened.
It also helps one to sustain the self when events of life are "happening too quickly"
It is a lovely stone to place in the middle of the medicine wheel. It can bring together the four directions of the medicine wheel and can induce the synthesis of these directions with mother earth and father sky.
It can also bring the members of the wheel into the condition of "right"thought and action. While maintaining a connection between the members via the heart chakras.
Gypsum is considered the "lucky stone". It provides a strong influence for bringing good fortune to the fortunate earth-keeper.
It has been used in ceremonies of rain-making by hte aboriginal tribes. These ceremonies required that gypsum be "thrown into the air" such that upon the return and dispersement of the fibers, the god of rain would know where to allow the rain to fall.
Fibrous gypsum also helps to produce strong bones and can renew and enhance the elasticity in ones skin and tissue. An elixir applied to the skin and/or taken internally could produce lasting results. It has also been used by the ancient tribes to stimulate fertility.
Vibrates to the number 2.

crystallizes in the form of granular masses, fibrous shapes, and prismatic needle-like, and tabular crystals. The colour range includes white, colourless, greenish, yellow to brown, grey, pink, honey yellow, yellow, blue, red, red-brown, brown, and black.
Gypsum, in the form of crystals is known as selenite.
Gypsum, in the form of masses is known as alabaster.
Gypsum in the fibrous form is 'really' gypsum.
This mineral can be used to mold ones character towards both the ideals of growth and improvement. Stagnation is eliminated and progression is strengthened.
It also helps one to sustain the self when events of life are "happening too quickly"
It is a lovely stone to place in the middle of the medicine wheel. It can bring together the four directions of the medicine wheel and can induce the synthesis of these directions with mother earth and father sky.
It can also bring the members of the wheel into the condition of "right"thought and action. While maintaining a connection between the members via the heart chakras.
Gypsum is considered the "lucky stone". It provides a strong influence for bringing good fortune to the fortunate earth-keeper.
It has been used in ceremonies of rain-making by hte aboriginal tribes. These ceremonies required that gypsum be "thrown into the air" such that upon the return and dispersement of the fibers, the god of rain would know where to allow the rain to fall.
Fibrous gypsum also helps to produce strong bones and can renew and enhance the elasticity in ones skin and tissue. An elixir applied to the skin and/or taken internally could produce lasting results. It has also been used by the ancient tribes to stimulate fertility.
Vibrates to the number 2.


Selenite is a form of crystallised gymsum. It is found in the form of colourless to white tabular crystals and needle-like crystals.
This mineral provides for clarity of the mind, expanding ones awarness of the self and of ones surroundings.
It can be used to access past-lives as well as future lives. The future lives being those which are proble at this time, if ones physical life proceeds in the direction in which it is now going. This access is provided by rubbing the crystalline structure with a finger or thumb(not a fingernail), during thise activation process, when the meditative state is attained, the visual images will begin. It should be noted that the acces to the future is also compatible to this life - one will be presented with situations which are very likely to occur during this life on this place (again, dependent upon the course progress one chooses during ones lifetime ).
It has been used to decrease reticence and to assist one in the acquisition of materialistic pursuits related to business. It can also assist one in issues of judgement and can provide the required insight and ameliorative energies to promote justice during adjudication of disputes. It has been used as a sharp sword of awaremess, cutting through unconscious assumptions and promoting the re-connection between the conscious self and the mystic which lives within the super-consciousness.
Selenite can be used to provide both flexibility to ones nature and strenth to ones decisions. It allows one to see the inner workings of any situation and to understand the superficial and the deeper meaning inherent in same. It also allows one to access the interior of the physical body in order to understand existing disorders, providing information wiht respect to the "fix".
It has been used to align the spinal column, allowing the selenite to traverse the spinal column from the base of the spine to the back of the head seems to remove energy blocakges, while traversing in the opposite direction seems to smooth the flow of energy. It can also promote flexibility withing the muscular structure.
It can be used to provide amelioration of disorders associated with poisoning due to the metal in the "fillings" of the teeth. It can also be used ot facilitate regeneration of the cellular structure and the protective membrane linings which surrounds the cells, hence, providing a tool to both prevent and to overcome damage caused by the well known "free radical". Examples of the effects which can be overcome include cancer, tumors, age spots, wrinkles, and light sensitivity. Selenite can also be used to correct disorders and deformities of the skeletal system, and to stabilize epileptic disorders. It has also been used to extend ones life span.
Tourmaline crystallizes in the form of vertically striated prismatic crystals, sometimes slender and sometimes needle-like. Te colour range includes deep pink to red to red-violet(rubelite), blue (indicolite), yellow(also known as "peridot of ceylon" and as Tsilasite), brown(dravide), green, pink (elbaite), orange, black(aphrizite and schorl), colourless(achroite), bi-coloured, tri-coloured and colourless.
The energy of tourmaline relates to each of the chakras. It acts to clear, to maintain, and to stimulate each of teh energy centers of the body.
It can be used to attract inspiration, to diminish fear by promoting understanding, and to encourage self-confidence. it provides for a balancing of the male/female energie withing hte body. It further provides for balancing of the mind, of the energy centres, and of the auric body, inducing the alignment of the mental processes and the chakras with the ethereal structure.
The tourmaline and the inherent electrical emanations have been revered throughout the life of the planet. in rituals performed in teh ancient eastern indian culture, the tourmaline was used to provide direction towards that which would bring 'good'. it was also recognised as a "teller"stone, providing insight during times of struggle and "telling"who and/or what is causing trouble.
It has been used by shamen among the african, native american, and aboriginal tribes. It is thought to bring healing powers to the user and to provide protection from all dangers occurring on the physical plane. The african shamen have used the tourmaline to promote the awakening from the "dream of illusion" and to promote the experience of the self as a part of the universal spirit.
Tourmaline has been used to stimulate balance between the left and right sides of the brain and to enhance cooperative efforts in the area of creativity and healing. It further helps one to look withing the depths of ones being with as much belief in the realilty of the inner world as one maintains for the outer world. It helps one to release the concept of being the victim and to maintain fortitude and laughter while retaining consciousness.
Tourmaline wands are quite special with respect to providing complete directional aspects to the qualities present within the structure. The crystals which are wands are terminated and range from two to three (plus) inches in length, with a diameter from 1/4 to 1/2" plus. The aspects of the tourmaline are enhanced in the wand configuration and are used to clear teh aura, to energise the appropriate chakras, to balance the meridians of the physical body, and to facilitate the optimum balance inherent in the ethereal body. The wand clearly directs the energy to facilitate the actualization of positive patterns and to initiate the fruition of positive affirmations.
In addition to the general qualities of tourmaline, the following information provides descriptions of further properties for selected colour of tourmaline. Please note that the mulit-colour tourmaline comines the properties of the respective colours.
Vibrates to the number 2.
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